Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Introduction Proper

I initially skipped making an introductory post but I think I'm ready to do one now. My mother tells me my blog is too serious; my father cautions me regularly about anything controversial I write about; my sister complains I am too strict about blogging. Blogging can be many things. Some people use their blogs as diaries, some use theirs to promote a product, some use their blogs to inform. While the concept and popularity of blogging may be relatively new, the reason behind it is simple: to communicate. Ours is an age of communication and expression where anyone can have their say, if anyone wants to listen. Writing is the most effective means of communicating and expressing ourselves. You have all the time in the world to write and what you write can be recorded for the future. But writing for the sake of writing is meaningless, writing by its nature must have a purpose. Writing for yourself is no doubt satisfying. It is a chance to put on paper (or screen) what you are thinking, to reflect or to keep for yourself to look back on. Before anyone attempts to understand others one must first understand yourself. Writing for others is the next step, and it is also more fulfilling. What is more meaningful - and more powerful - than the ability to inform and change the perceptions of others? Writing for others also holds you accountable for what you write and challenges you to prove the validity of what you say and think. Both sides gain. And that's why I write.


yeohjo said...

well this is your "welcome proper" to the blogging world.

i enjoy your 'controversial' posts! lol.

Tim said...

Oh just getting warmed up :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Make your sister look bad and yourself look good. :P

This still will not compensate for your loss to ME in Street Fighter for like a gazillion times straight!


Anonymous said...

*compensate your